Friday, 1 March 2013

New Grandson

This is a joyous day! A healthy new grandson, and his mother is also healthy, having experienced a short labour and non-problematic delivery; that is as important as the baby's health to this grandmother, as the mother is my daughter (would be the same for a daughter-in-law).

Well, what do you do with a birthday of March 1, 2013 - that is 3/1/13 or 1/3/13 - the numbers do not seem based on goodness, so he and his family will have much to overcome throughout his life. He was also born on the day after the Catholic pope stepped down from his position, leaving the church without a pope until the next is elected by the Cardinals. This worries me. For all who pray, please pray for my grandson.
I must sound like a foolish old woman, and if that is who I am I stand by my concerns, as I want my grandson to know and live a life of love and kindness, and intelligence, to have these within himself, and to trust others, to have insights of that which is holy, to be kind and compassionate.

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